Management Letter - Labrador Investments Ltd.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Mr. Craig Hurley
Labrador Investments Ltd.
P.O. Box 2531 Station B
Happy Valley – Goose Bay, NL A0P 1E0
Ref: March 2013 Compliance Review Report Results and Follow-Up
Dear Mr. Hurley:
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) conducted a compliance review in fiscal year 2012-13. Attached, please find a copy of the compliance review report. The report will be published on the department's website in the coming months, along with this management letter. Please provide a written response within 30 days of the date of this letter with a plan on how your organization has addressed or will be addressing the recommendations below:
- The Recipient ensures that the full subsidy value be passed on to the purchaser of eligible Nutrition North Canada (NNC) products.
- The Recipient ensures that the subsidy rates are written on cash receipts for all stores part of the NNC program.
- The Recipient reconciles the total weight indicated on the air waybill with individual invoices in order to provide assurance that the weight on the invoice is accurate. Any differences should be investigated and explained.
- The Recipient uses the appropriate distinct NNC item code for each product when preparing its itemized shipment report to NNC.
- The Recipient ensures that the prices indicated on the price report reflect the actual selling price on the day the report is produced.
- The Recipient establishes a formal communication process when changes occur in the program to adequately inform its store managers and ultimately clients of program changes.
Please note that your response will also be posted.
Please contact your NNC representative to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about this compliance review.
Diane Robinson
Director, Nutrition North Canada
c.c. Brahim Achtoutal