Compliance Assessment Summary Report: Ben Deshaies

For Funding Agreement no. 1819-HQ-000026 and funding agreement no. 1920-HQ-000032 between Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) and Ben Deshaies.

Name: Ben Deshaies
Location: desk audit
Time period covered by audit: April 1, 2019, until March 31, 2022
Total amount of CIRNAC funding received from 2019 to 2022: $18,784,120


At the request of the Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC), Samson & Associés CPA / Consultation Inc. performed a desk compliance assessment of the Funding Agreement between Nutrition North Canada (NNC or the 'Program’) and Ben Deshaies (Recipient). Nutrition North Canada is a Government of Canada Program that helps make nutritious food and some essential items more affordable and more accessible to northern communities. The purpose of the assessment, in accordance with our engagement with NNC, was to provide information on:

The period covered by the compliance assessment is from April 1, 2019, until March 31, 2022. We determined our sample size by applying professional judgement based on the frequency of claims and the number of items in each claim.

The compliance assessment was performed as a desk audit. As a result, our interviews were performed based on electronic communication with the Recipient to identify and document their key control activities, their procedures and processes related to the claim of funds to NNC, program delivery and reporting. In addition, due to interviews performed electronically we were unable to verify the accuracy of the weighting system used by the Recipient.

We subsequently performed detailed audit procedures on the accuracy and validity of the Recipient’s claims and on the margin earned by the Recipient on the subsidized products.

Based on the procedures performed and as more fully described in the report, we did not find any significant deviations in the samples we selected; however, we identified improvements in the form of recommendations to improve the Recipient’s control environment in relation to the Program.


Overall, we are of the opinion that the funding provided to the Recipient was spent for the intended purposes and in compliance with the terms and conditions for the 2019-20 to 2021-22 Funding Agreements signed with the Department. However, findings and recommendations under section 1.2 were identified and should be read in conjunction with these conclusions.

The table below summarizes the recommendations identified by the auditor, the actioned measures required to be undertaken by the retailer/supplier, and their status.

Auditors Recommendation for Ben Deshaies Action Plan for Ben Deshaies Statue
The Recipient should ensure that the products claimed are included in the invoice sent to the client and reconcile with the contribution sent to the client. After the review of the management letter, the Recipient sends all invoices by email to their customers on the day the order is shipped. On the invoice, each NNC eligible item is identified, along with the amount of subsidy. Complete
The Recipient should review its billing system to ensure that all items ordered by the client are reflected on the client's invoice. After the review of the management letter, the Recipient that all items ordered are on the invoice and that all items not in stock are at zero. Complete
The Recipient should ensure that all claims are submitted by the date required by the contribution agreement. After the review of the management letter, the Recipient will ensure to always submit claims by the required date. Complete
The Recipient should ensure that the invoice submitted to clients indicates the subsidy paid to the client in order to comply with the NNC National Manual for Program Recipients with respect to meeting the program's visibility requirements. After the review of the management letter, the Recipient sends all invoices by email to their customers on the day the order is shipped. On the invoice, each NNC eligible item is identified, along with the amount of subsidy. Complete
The Recipient should ensure that the NNC Program is visible on the Recipient's website as required by Section 4.1 (Program Visibility) of the National Program Recipient Manual. After the review of the management letter, the Recipient has made sure to mention on its website that BEND is a supplier registered with the NNC program. Complete
The Recipient must ensure that a contract is signed with all third-party retailers to whom the subsidy is transferred and that the contract contains all relevant details regarding the contribution of the program. After reviewing the management letter, the Recipient as ensured that all contracts are signed with active third-party retailers. From now on, no new customers are activated in the NNC program if the contract is not signed. Complete
The Recipient must ensure that the third-party retailer includes the NNC subsidy on the receipt provided to customers so that the subsidy is clearly visible as required by the contract signed by the third-party retailer and the recipient. After the review of the management letter, the Recipient informed his third-party retailers of the requirements and that they must comply with it in order to comply with the NNC program. Complete
The Recipient must ensure that the third-party retailer maintains an inventory list to support the calculation of the contribution remitted to the customer. This inventory list should include at least the following information per product: a list of products indicating the NNC product code, the weight of the product, the level of the product's NNC contribution category (e.g. level 1, 2 or 7) and the rate of the NNC subsidy by product level (e.g. $2.80 per kilogram for level 1). After the review of the management letter, the Recipient provided their clients, inventory tools with the necessary information to properly manage the NNC program. Complete

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